AVISO: LCA-Workshop in Southampton

In the workshop it will be determined which life cycle phases will be recorded, where the system boundaries will be drawn and which technologies will be used as a benchmark.

LCA (life cycle assessment) analyses the impact that a product or a technology generates on the environment. All life cycle stages and all input and output (material, energy and emissions) are considered. The indicators are calculated quantitatively, e.g. the Global Warming Potential or the fossil primary energy use. Contrarily to the risk assessment no worst case scenarios are presumed but the regular workflow of processes as engineered. The workshop will be used to set the goal and scope of the LCA-study and to decide on the benchmark the HyMethShip technology will be compared to.


13:20 Presentation of WP 7 & 8
14:00 Introduction and execution of the first discussion group in small groups on the topic „Goal and Scope“
15:15 Implementation and execution of the second panel discussion in small groups on the topic „Which drive and fuel alternatives should
to be used as a comparison? “

In summary, the following topics are on the agenda of the two workshops:

• Understand the potential results of the economic and environmental life cycle assessment
• Defining the goal and scope of the eco-balance for the economy and the environment
• Discussion of propulsion and fuel alternatives that could / should be used as a comparison in the LCC / LCA