Hooray! HyMethShip was awarded for its successful PR-Work
Our successful media work around the project start was awarded within the Styrian Public Relations Prize „PR-Panther“
The HyMethShip project was presented to the Austrian public in summer 2018 with broad media coverage. On 10 December 2018, the LEC was honoured as a finalist in the PR Panther 2018 for its public relations work around the project. The PR-Panther is the award for outstanding PR provided by styrian companies. Organizer of the competition is the Styrian Economic Chamber | department of advertising and market communication. The winners of the PR-Panther 2018 were decided by a public vote, in which a total of around 8,000 votes were cast, and an expert jury.
Thanks for your great support and votes! Lets go on together towards zero emission shipping
Fotocredit WKO/Wolf